Island Green Week at Put-in-Bay Ohio runs from August 6th through the 13th, 2016. Events are held on Middle Bass Island and Put-in-Bay (South Bass Island) in Lake Erie, Ohio.
Three of the biggest organizations and proponents of nature on the Erie Isles have teamed together to bring you some great activities during this week-long event. Experience a taste of the local wineries, a tropical island-style pig roast, kayaking on a Great Lake, and a dedication of the newest lakefront nature preserve on Put-in-Bay.
Check out these amazing Island Green Week events:
* Aug. 6th – Middle Bass Island Poker Kayak Day – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Rain date Aug. 7th) $10 Bring your own kayak.
* Aug. 7th – Dedication and Party at the new Massie Cliffside Preserve – 1 p.m.
* Aug. 8th – Tour a Great Lake Lighthouse – Put-in-Bay – $3.
* Aug. 9th – Wild Tuesday at the Nature & Wildlife Center – Put-in-Bay – Free.
* Aug. 10th – Island Preserve Ramble & Tour highlighting natural areas on South Bass Island – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Includes special activities at each preserve, a printed guide and a light lunch at the Put-in-Bay Town Hall. $40.
* Aug. 10th – Evening – Kick up your heels and enjoy the Lake Erie Islands Nature and Wildlife Center’s annual Pig Roast at 6 p.m. at the Goat Restaurant. $15. Entertainer Ray Fogg performs, plus a silent auction fundraiser.
* Aug. 11th – Star Gazers Cruise aboard a Miller Boat Line ferry. Cruise for two hours departing sunset. Refreshments included. $18/$10 children
* Aug. 12th – Visit the Aquatic Visitors Center and Fish Hatchery. Free.
* Aug. 13th – Middle Bass East Point Preserve Photo Walk – 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. – Free.
Call 419-285-3037 for tickets and Information. Call 216.898.1105 to book a brand new Put-in-Bay Condo.