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FYI – Village Parking Permits!
At the Put-in-Bay Village Council meeting in May, an amendment to the Village’s Parking Ordinance (Chapter 452, Parking Generally) was added which requires vehicles that park on public streets within the Village and in Village owned parking lots to obtain a parking permit so that the Village may timely regulate and enforce parking restrictions to mitigate traffic congestion during its busy summer tourist season. According to the canaltaronja.cat amendment, Council found and determined that due to the demand for parking on public streets within the Village and in Village-owned parking lots, parking permits are necessary to ensure adequate parking is available to those that need it.
Here are the important parts of the new amendment 452.14, Parking Permit Required.
All vehicles parked on public streets and in public parking lots must display a valid parking permit issued by the Village or the Village’s authorized representative. Any vehicle parked on public streets or in a public parking lot without a valid parking permit is in violation.
Parking Permits will be in the form of a sticker that must be displayed on the front right side (passenger’s side) of the vehicle either on the windshield or the vehicle’s cowling. In all events, the sticker must be placed in such a manner that the sticker is clearly visible when someone is looking at the right side of the windshield. If a permit sticker is not clearly visible from the outside of the vehicle, the vehicle shall be treated as if it does not have a valid parking permit.
Parking Permits shall be in the form of a daily permit or an annual permit. Daily permits may be valid for one (1) to fourteen (14) days. Daily parking permit stickers shall have the dates valid placed on the sticker at the time of issuance. Alteration of dates on a parking permit sticker shall void the parking permit. Annual permits shall be valid for one calendar year.
The cost for Annual Parking Permits shall be $125. Vehicles that complied with the Village Vehicle Licensing Fee (as per Put-in-Bay Village Ordinance 896-92 Chapter 888) shall be eligible for $50 credit towards the cost of the Annual Parking Permit. This applies to companies that rent out golf carts.
Village residents shall be eligible for credit towards the cost of up to two (2) Annual Parking Permits for their personal, non-Commercial Vehicles. The credit shall be $100 per permit, making the permit $25 per vehicle per vehicle per year. Additional permits can be purchased, but there is no discount for any more than two.
Put-in-Bay Township residents shall be eligible for credit towards the cost of up to two (2) Annual Parking Permits for their personal, non-Commercial Vehicles. The credit shall be $75 per permit, making the permit $50 per vehicle per year.
Daily Parking Permits shall cost $10 per day. “Day” means one calendar day. No partial day parking permits will be issued.
Village/Township residency shall be established by providing one of the following: proof of ownership of real property within the Village/Township, two utility bills with an individual’s name and an address within the Village/Township, or a valid Ohio Driver’s License or State Identification Card showing an address within the Village/Township. Daily Parking Permits may be Issued by the Village and merchants authorized by the Village to do so. For a parking permit to be issued the owner of the vehicle must make the application and provide a valid driver’s license and a current vehicle registration. The parking permit issued shall only be valid for the vehicle that’s registration was provided. The Village shall determine and post the location(s) and hours that Annual Parking Permits can be obtained.
If a Parking Permit is damaged a replacement may be purchased for $20. At the time of replacement the damaged Parking Permit must be produced and provided to the Village.
“Vehicle” means every vehicle propelled or drawn by power other than muscular power or power collected from overhead electric trolley wires, except motorized bicycles and electric bicycles not designed for or employed in general highway transportation. Vehicle includes but is not limited to automobiles, under-speed vehicles, utility vehicles, mini-trucks, and low-speed vehicles, including golf-carts. Additionally, trailers not connected to a towing vehicle shall be considered a vehicle requiring a parking permit.
“Commercial vehicle” means any Vehicle used for commercial purposes, including but not limited to taxicabs, rented under-speed vehicles, utility vehicles, mini-trucks and low-speed vehicles, including golf-carts.
The fine for not having a parking permit is $35, plus if you are parked in a no parking area, you could be fined an additional $35. If fines are not paid within ten days of service of the parking ticket, the fine for any parking infraction shall be increased by fifteen dollars ($15).
Village Administrator Anne Auger says she has ordered permit-parking-only signs for Delaware Ave. between Hartford and Catawba Avenues, Hartford Avenue and the Village parking lot behind the Town Hall. The exact date permit parking will go into effect has yet to be announced. Daily permits will be for sale at the bathhouse office in DeRivera Park and at the Put-in-Bay Town Hall.
Golf cart rental companies have the option of buying a season permit parking pass for the vehicles they rent to visitors. Visitors who are unaware of the new permit parking ordinance may want to avoid the problem of having to buy themselves a permit by making sure they rent a cart that already has a permit parking sticker.
Having a parking permit does NOT guarantee you a parking spot, but simply allows you to park in a permit-parking-only spot if one is available.
As of The Gazette’s June print date, we don’t yet have a definitive date for when the ordinace will go into effect.
The previous piece is published in this month’s Put-in-Bay Gazette. The Gazette has been producing incredible independent Put-in-Bay island news for over 40 years. If you have any interest at all in what is happening on South Bass Island, we urge you strongly to subscribe to the Put-in-Bay Gazette. One-year online subscriptions are only $15, and print subscriptions are available as well. To subscribe please click here.